You matter

Your talent counts at NN. And your personality counts too. Because we want you to contribute to something special. At NN, we have the ambition to become an efficient insurance company where the customer is central. We want to help our clients protect what’s close to their hearts.

This is why we are looking for people like you. People who are committed to having a positive impact on the lives of others. Who are sure of themselves, focused and authentic. People whose actions reflect who they are and what they stand for.

We want to be the company where you can make a difference. With an open culture and very little hierarchy. Our operation is designed so that everyone, regardless of their function or experience, can bring a good idea to fruition.

We want you to participate in strategic discussions about how our company shapes our business culture. We want you to grow in your job and in your career.

And we encourage you to join us in making a commitment to a good cause.